
Monday, 17 December 2012

Chasing Pavements

Any writer out there knows the road to publication is not the shortest nor smoothest. Statistically the chances of a first time author getting published are minuscule - unless of course you're a movie star, pop star, or celebrity chef! But for us mere mortals it is a seemingly elusive dream - an exercise in chasing pavements.

Submission after submission, rejection after rejection. Hoping that the 1 or 2 authors an agent takes on a year out of the 100-200 submissions they receive each day (don't do the maths - it's depressing) is you.

So why do it? Why put ourselves out there, set ourselves up for heartbreak, open ourselves to being so vulnerable as to have our souls rejected? The simple answer - because we must. When JK Rowling put 'The Casual Vacancy' out there, she was asked why take the risk, it's not as though she needed the money. Her response - "I need to a writer, what you really want it to have a conversation with readers."

When you discover that you love to write, there is nothing else in this world you can imagine doing.

So, my manuscript has been written. And re-written, and re-worked, and re-tweaked and re-jigged and it is now out there. Sitting in agents' in boxes or on their desks, waiting to be read, waiting to be that 1 in 70,000 (OK I did the maths!) picked up by an agent.

Follow me as I chase my pavements - the ups and downs, the agony and (hopefully) ecstasy. It's sure be one hell of a ride!

my twitter


  1. Good luck!!! And welcome to the world of blogging!!! xxx

    1. Thanks Kerri. Hopefully I'll get the hang of the technical side of thing pretty quickly.

  2. Good luck on your endeavor. Oh looky, I'm your first follower!

    1. Then you are also my first and one true love! Followed right back ;)

  3. Welcome to blogging indeed. And welcome to AW, which is where I mosied on over from. Good luck with your ms. Personally, I try not to think about the numbers... :)

    1. Thanks Charity. AW has been a treasure trove of info. I've been lurking for a while ;). Yes, numbers scary - ignore! Am now following in blog world and twitter. See you round the traps.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Well good luck there! Welcome to our world. :)

    1. Thanks Diane. A crazy world we're a part of huh? Enjoyed looking at your blog and have followed you, too.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sorry Ladies. A few technical glitches there, but I think I figured it out????
